Except for monthly Vital Conversations convened by David Nelson, CRES programs arise by request. Our management principle is "management by opportunity." Every year we are delighted by the number of opportunties given to us, as our yearly program pages demonstrate. (Of course we also provide free private consulation to organizations and other services as requested, not listed on our public website.) |
This page is continuously updated. Events listed by date, earlist first
#MLK ![]() King Holiday Essay — 2025 January 16 Download a PDF of Vern's 2-page summary of the genius of the spiritual approach of Martin Luther King Jr by clicking this link. You can also read the Letter from a Birmingham Jail here. Bill Tammeus writes about King's visits to Kansas City here. Vern writes:
I remember meeting King in a church basement in
Washington, DC, the year before he was assassinated. I remember his
appearance was delayed quite a while as his team checked the church for
threats and dangers, as those of us gathered to hear him hoped to see
him alive. It was a dark time. I remember his brilliant analysis of
Vietnam, and particularly its effect on young Black men. #ThurmanInBrooks I was a student at the University of Chicago Divinity School when he was assassinated. The next Sunday was Palm Sunday, April 7, and I was to be a guest preacher. I remember struggling to find something uplifting to say, and I was thankful to be able to rely on King's teachings and his public ministry in the context of the Christian story. I used a recording of the April 3 "Mountain Top" speech in many sermons in the following months. I remember studying the writings and speeches of King, with their eloquence and depth. Each year I continue to reread the Letter from the Birmingham Jail, which every year renews me with astonishment. I also especially cherish his last sermon, March 31, at the Washington National Cathedral, a few days before his assassination. And I claim King also as an exemplar of interfaith respect, which is why I wrote this essay. In a NYTimes column, David Brooks discusses Robert Thuman's summary of the principles of non-violence. (We can add that it was in meeting Thuman that Gandhi said, “It may be through the Negroes that the unadulterated message of nonviolence [Gandhi's satyagrapha, or 'Truth-force'] will be delivered to the world.” Later King went to India himself, and kept a photo of Gandhi above his desk.) Here is a passage from Brooks which includes the summary: To be a good citizen, it is necessary to be warmhearted, but it is also necessary to master the disciplines, methods and techniques required to live well together: how to listen well, how to ask for and offer forgiveness, how not to misunderstand one another, how to converse in a way that reduces inequalities of respect. In a society with so much loneliness and distrust, we are failing at these social and moral disciplines. #IFHarmony February 1-7 ![]() ![]() To observe World Interfaith Harmony week, we offer one of our most cited essays, "Stealing Another's Faith." The question of honoring without misappropriating material from others is not so easy, and this essay raises awareness so faiths can be less in conflict and more in harmony. Read, download this PDF, and share this important essay by Vern -- with excerpts from Huston Smith and Harvey Cox. BLACK HISTORY MONTH A Video with Alvin Brooks -- 2 min 31 sec #EIHKC update The Ecumenical and Interfaith History of Greater Kansas City ![]() This valuable resource for understanding interfaith work in Kansas City, linked from the CRES home page (right column) and directly available here is now also available to researchers throughout the world through the ProQuest academic library database. Our former intern, Geneva Blackmer, prepared the history. The History includes both text and video. The website includes a page inviting additional contributions to further detail this critical, but often overlooked, dimension of religious and civic life in our region. CRES applauds the 2025 Greater KC Interfaith Council's annual Table of Faiths event - honoring our friend of many years, the Rev Mary Gibson McCoy with the Steve Jeffers Leadership Award, and the annual Table of Faiths Award to the KC Harvesters organization. April 3 Thursday 7-9 pm, Center for Spiritual Living, 1014 W 39, KCMO Tickets from $10 for students: https://kcinterfaith.org/2025-table-of-faiths/ ![]() The evening includes presentations from musical groups, choirs, and others from various faith communities; informational faith tables; refreshment reception, hors d'oeuvres and deserts. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE Table of Faiths EARLY YEARS -- #CouncilPhoto1989_____________________________________________________________The first Table of Faiths event, with David Nelson as convener, was a luncheon at the Marriott Muehlebach Hotel downtown Nov 10, 2005. Alvin Brooks, one of the co-chairs (Gayle Krigel, Mahnaz Shabbir, and Chuck Stanford), welcomed guests. Mayor Kay Barnes was the keynote speaker and presented the first Table of Faiths Award to Vern Barnet. The second Table of Faiths luncheon, Nov 14, 2006, honored Don and Adel Hall and Ed Chasteen. The third Table of Faiths luncheon, Nov 7, 2007, honored Alvin L Brooks and The Kansas City Star. The fourth Table of Faiths luncheon, Nov 13, 2008, included a presentation of Donna Ziegenhorn's play, The Hindu and the Cowboy. Honored were Robert Lee Hill and the Shawnee Mission Medical Center, and Steve Jeffers (1948-2008) was lovingly remembered. The fifth Table of Faiths luncheon, Nov 12, 2009, introduced The Steve Jeffers Leadership Award, given to Ahmed El-Sherif. All Souls Unitarian Church was also recognized, and Allan Abrams (1939-2009) was lovingly remembered. The sixth Table of Faiths luncheon, Nov 11, 2010, honored Notre Dame de Sion High School with the Table of Faiths Award and Queen Mother Maxie McFarlane with the Steve Jeffers Leadership Award. The seventh Table of Faiths luncheon, Nov 10, 2011 honored the Kansas City Public Library with the Table of Faiths Award and Donna Ziegenhorn with the Steve Jeffers Leadership Award. The eighth and last Table of Faiths luncheon, Nov 8, 2012, presented the theme of "Spirituality and the Environment: Caring for the Earth, Our Legacy." The Steve Jeffers Leadership Award was given to Mayor Sly James and the Table of Faiths Award went to Unity Church of Overland Park. There was no Table of Faiths event in 2013. Beginning in 2014, Table of Faiths events were no longer major downtown civic luncheons involving elected, cultural, and business leaders. With a longer evening format, the first in the new Table of Faiths dinners was held May 8, 2014, at Unity Village. --CRES ARCHIVES Vern Barnet founded the Council
in 1989 as a program of CRES and is Council Convener Emeritus. The Council newsletter has
published his brief notes about three
milestones in the early history of the Council.
#NYTimes1988 ![]() SEVEN DAYS #SevenDays2024 ![]() ![]() The themes help us focus on kindness in seven different ways, on seven different days. 2024 April LOVE DISCOVER OTHERS CONNECT YOU GO ONWARD The SevenDays website gives you the SevenDays story (with the horrific past on April 14, 2014), the present, and the future, the
SevenDays events this year, how to get involved, resources, and an
opportunity to shop and various sponsorship opportunities. ![]() CRES
is glad to have been involved from the very first year with an
interfaith panel, and admires the folks and the organization involved
for turning tragedy into continuing community benefit by advancing
understanding and relationships.
Vern offers his conclusions from over 50 years of experience and
study: in a troubled world, what paths lie forward? and how can one
dare offer praise for the intertwined mix of the horror and the beauty
of existence? * Doing theology is less like mathematics and more like expounding why you love someone. Video for Black History Month 2 min 31 sec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--KFiFJ6PoA #July4 Independence Day readings * Vern Barnet directly below * Frederick Douglass second below * A 2024 Episcopalian perspective: Fr John Spicer here
#911 A way of understanding the years since 9/11 While the 9/11 attacks opened new gates of hell, the way our government has responded has brought us inside hell's domain. The smoke from that day, the acrid fumes, amplified into war, brings us purblind to the charred and hobbled Body Politic. How do we understand what has happened? How do we move forward? And what of other international conflicts, especially the war of Russia against Ukraine? 9/11: METAPHORICAL MALADY:
1. Before 9/11, terrorism had been dealt with as a CRIME, internationally and at home. The violation of life and property in an otherwise orderly society makes the terrorist an especially despised outlaw. We employ a legal system to assure justice by punishing the criminal and removing the criminal from society. International courts have done the same. 2. But since September 11 we have used a WAR metaphor. Of course the metaphor is hardly new. We love war. We have fought the war against poverty and the war against drugs, though it is hard for us to admit defeat, even though Vietnam and Afghanistan are history now. We still fight the war against cancer, against crime, against . . . you name it. But a war against terrorism was new. The metaphor had power because we struggled not just against isolated attack but against an organized force seeking not just advantage through harm of a target but rather destruction of a government or civilization. Though we ourselves use violence, we assumed our own righteousness would bring us victory over evil. Both of the metaphors of crime and war too easily commend themselves because they are simple, and rest on the assumption that we are wholly good — and our opponents are completely evil. 3. A third metaphor might come closer to the
complexity of the situation: DISEASE.
Here the metaphor suggests not separate, competing powers but of all
humanity as a sick body, within the organs of communities, cities, and
nations, afflicted in various ways, degrading or sustaining each other
in different degrees, infected with individuals and groups poisoned (using
Buddhist language) with greed, fear, and ignorance. Now, with COVID, we
are learning that, as Martin Luther King said, “Whatever affects one directly,
affects all indirectly.” Is the disease metaphor give us any insights into the war of Russia against Ukraine?
I think this metaphor gives us an essential insight
into debilitated world governance, enfeebled by the failure to
place armaments under international control requiring some body (a
strengthened United Nations) to manage conflict between states when
states cannot resolve problems peacefully. One way of looking at this
situation, using the disease metaphor, is the war as an auto-immune
disease of the world body; Russia, which benefits from a peaceful world
order, attacks that very order, and the body must address this
illness by sending resources to return to homeostasis. Just as
chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and other cures, can destroy healthy
cells, so the body's response to Russian aggression requires the
short-term sacrifice of some otherwise healthy parts for long-term
health. Whether the expansion of NATO will inspire a true government of
all nations is very unclear, and whether the many increasingly complex
forces of civilization lead to planetary senescence and death, or to
universal peace -- #ThgvgSunday ![]() TO BE UPDATED 2024 November 10 Sunday 4-6 pm Visitation Catholic Church, Tighe Hall, 5141 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112 INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING GATHERING “Promoting Interfaith Peace, Renewal and Regrowth” For more information, please text Kara Hawkins at at 816-509-7984. Dinner and program: $25 tickets available at the door and at Eventbrite. The 2025 announcement pending ![]() The 2024 recipient of the Vern Barnet Interfaith Service Award is Teresa Albright, Pastoral Associate at Visitation Parish, a Catholic Community. This year's gathering is planned and hosted by the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, the Heartland Alliance of Divine Love, and the Kansas City Pipe Circle. For
over 25 years Teresa's academic and personal focus has been religious
literacy, interfaith dialogue, and peacemaking. She has served on
nearly a dozen interfaith commissions, and is a vowed Lay Associate of
the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion. Since July, 2019, she has been
the KCSJ Diocesan Ecumenical Officer and Chair of the
Ecumenical/Interreligious Commission, advancing the work of the past
ecumenical officers, now-Abbot Primate Gregory Polan and Father Paul
Turner, while incorporating her own interests and experiences. She has
a Master of Arts degree in Comparative Theology. She was at Westminster
College to work on the Central Missouri Interfaith Initiative, and
later for the Diocese of Jefferson City as a curriculum writer in the
Office of Religious Education. She applies her training and leadership
skills to facilitate unity and friendship among Catholics, non-Catholic
Christians, Jewish, Hindu, Muslims, Buddhist, and Tribal faith-filled
peoples. Read more about this year's honoree's work in Houston and elsewhere here. -----An annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Sunday observance was sponsored by CRES for 25 years, 1985-2009. The KC Interfaith Council was a program of CRES, 1989-2004. We are grateful to the current sponsors for perpetuating a recognition of the place of gratitude in every faith. OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS
Having spawned several other organizations, including the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, we continue to offer programs initiated by and through others but we no longer create our own in order to focus on our unique work. For interfaith and cultural calendars maintained by other groups, click here. |
You are welcome even if you have not read the book or seen the movie A Free Monthly Discussion Group Led by David E Nelson CRES senior associate minister president, The Human Agenda “The purpose of a Vital Conversation is not to
win an argument,
"Listen with curiosity, not judgement.” —David Nelson in dialog that will add value to the participants and to the world. In Vital Conversations, we become co-creators of a better community. —David Nelson The discussions began May 24, 2002, at the CRES facility by examining Karen Armstrong’sThe Battle for God Vital Conversations Vital – that which creates life and hope. Conversations – intentional moments of listening and talking From David Nelson: I
am shifting the focus of Vital Conversations from being a “book club”
to becoming more a “discussion group”. There will be a word, or
name that is the focus of the conversation. I will likely still
mention a book, movie, event, newspaper or magazine article, podcast,
or even TV show that I think adds to the understanding. I invite
you, the participants, to research and bring other stories, opinions,
and material for our Vital Conversation. For example: December
11th KKK is the topic. I will mention a book I am finding
provocative. I trust you will also explore books, movies, etc.
that will enhance our conversation. I will also invite
individuals who have a connection in some way to the theme. I
request that you invite people who can add something to the
conversation as well. The point I am making is that YOU are also
empowered to assist in creating a “Vital Conversation.” Vital Conversations are an idea. People have less fear when they understand others. Having intentional conversations with people we disagree with or do not understand adds value to everyone. Vital Conversations are gatherings where we become creators of a more hopeful community. Vital Conversations are intended to deepen personal meanings, foster respect between diverse individuals, enable individuals to appreciate themselves and others, and grow spiritually. Vital Conversations are not intended to be meetings where agreements, compromise or consensus is achieved. It is often the case that new levels of understanding occur, but the purpose is not to reach agreement. Although I sometimes make changes in the schedule here is my current plan for the next few months. I hope you can embrace this idea and join others who are attracted to vital conversations and creating a better world. I always welcome feedback and suggestions for making Vital Conversations better. This is a journey I have enjoyed for over a decade and hope to continue, with your support, for several more years. 2025 Vital Conversations Schedule
2025 January 8 Wednesday 1-2:30 pm. David Nelson, humanagenda@gmail.com In person at the library and on Zoom ID: 832 3534 6541 ABOUT VITAL CONVERSATIONS: YOUTUBE VIDEO
would a 63 old woman walk 522 miles across the northern coast of Spain?
What did she hope to accomplish? Where did this idea come from? What
did she discover about herself? What did she discover about others on
the path? What didnature and the universe have to tell her, show her,
share with her? Why does her life feel different? Here is a link to a recording of the sesssion: Here are two examples from the CRES archives of The KC Star column:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #vcFeb He/She/They: How We Talk About Gender and Why It Matters
Conversations are opportunities to be co-creators of life enhancing
movements. We will have four special guests who will share their
personal stories and how they have enriched our local communities with
their loving insights.
be special participants who will share their personal path of love and
understanding and have used their compassion to make this a more
welcoming world for their offspring and others. Share your name and where you live, why you were attracted to this Vital Conversation, and which question # is most important to you, or an additional question. You
can prepare for being a participant in this Vital Conversation by
reading the book mentioned above, visiting the website, and exploring
your own way of keeping up with news. Here are 10 provocative and
thoughtful questions for a Vital Conversations discussion about LGBTQ+
issues and pronouns: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2025 March 12 Wednesday 1-2:30 pm. David Nelson, humanagenda@gmail.com
ARCHIVE: VIDEO RECORDING OF THE CONVERSATION On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder There
are two versions of this same book.One is copyrighted
2017. The Graphic Edition is illustrated by Nora Krug published by
Ten Speed Press and is filled with delightful illustrations.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2025 March 29 My Dear Friends, Unfortunately I have had a small stroke,
Looking forward to a very positive future. David E. Nelson --------------------------------------------- vcApr BONHOEFFER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PTSD, TRAMA What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma. Resilience. and Healing by Bruce D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #vcJun DOUBT #vcJul DEMEMTIA Love in the Land of Dementia: Finding Hope in the Caregiver's Journey the Land of Dementia: Creative Activities to Explore Together and Connecting in the Land of Dementia: Creative Activities to Explore Together -- both by Deborah Shouse - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #vcAug - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #vcSep #vcOct #vcNov vc#Dec - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
always welcome feedback and suggestions for making Vital Conversations
better. This is a journey I have enjoyed for over a decade and hope to
continue: with your support: for several more years. --David Nelson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Selections are subject to change. For Zoom
link and additional information,