The Reverend Vern Barnet, DMn
bio page CRES minister emeritus vern@cres.org
<artchaudry@hotmail.com> .
Muslim speakersDear Friend--
Thank you for your interest in understanding Islam.
Bio sketches of three excellent local speakers with international reputations can be found on our website, Mahnaz Shabbir and Ahmed El-Sherif and Shakil Haider.
Another such expert is Dr A Rauf Mir, the Muslim member of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, its longest serving member, whose contact can be arranged through the Council. Actually there are a number of excellent local Muslim experts. Here are three more: Zulfiqar Malik with Bassam Helwani publishes the weekly, nationally distributed Muslim News Digest. M. Akhtar "Art" Chaudry is a prominent Muslim businessman who has served at the Royals, Jackson County, Union Station, and other enterprises and was chairman of the Urban League.
If I am replying to you by email, you may find their email addresses in the cc: portion of the email header.
If they are unable to assist you, they may have suggestions from the many other wonderful Muslim speakers in our area.
For speakers of other faiths, please see the light blue area at Speaker Options which in turn directs you to additional links.
Vern Barnet