The Reverend Vern Barnet, DMn
bio page CRES minister emeritus vern@cres.org
RESPONSE #33a [b, c below]Employment in the
Interfaith FieldThank you for your interest in contributing to the field of interfaith understanding. If you are interested in volunteer work, there are many opportunities.
If you are looking for a paying job, you may encounter difficulties. I myself have worked as a full-time volunteer in this field, exhausted my pension, and learned to live "low to the ground." The honoraria and other compensation for my work has gone to support my independent organization, CRES, from which I receive no salary.
I have come to appreciate the amazing learning experiences I have gained, not just from the wonderful people of many faiths with whom I have worked, but also from understanding our economic system from a position unusual, perhaps, for someone of my education, background, previous employment, and social network connections.
If you would like to explore the possibility of working with the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, please visit the Council's website, http://www.kcinterfaith.org/ where you will find a contact page. If you want more immediate contact with one of the leaders of the Council, email me requesting this and I will reach one of the leaders with your contact information for you.
If you have sent me your resume, please know I wish there were some way to finance your involvement with CRES.
If you are interested in training for interfaith work, please click here: 83_Interfaith_Ministry_training.htm .
A now out-of-date list of organizations, some of which have paying positions which may include some interfaith work can be found on our website at cres.org/pubs/KCInterfaithOps.htm especially in the section 2.2 Organizations/List.
I hope this list is useful to you. If you wish to volunteer your services, know you will be valued by whatever organization(s) you select. If you are seeking employment, please accept my best wishes.
Work as a writerI am a free-lance writer whose columns appeared each week for eighteen years in The KC Star. I am not a staff person or in any other way related to any publishing enterprise except through CRES and as a free-lance. While I would be happy to see the materials you offer to send, I would not want you to think I am in any position to act upon them. I hope that your interests and abilities will lead to work that you will find most satisfying.
I certainly appreciate your generous words about my writing.
Work as a performer or service providerThank you fo your interest in providing a program or service for CRES. We are unable to accept your offer as we have transfered such functions to other organizations during our transition to a supporting rather than originating institution.
Vern Barnet