The Reverend Vern Barnet, DMn
bio page CRES minister emeritus vern@cres.org
For other "boiler plate" responses, visit
www.cres/org/team/0.htmRESPONSE 72
Request for
World Religions programs,
contacts from various faiths,
or questions about themYour inquiry is valued. The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council wishes to respond to requests for speakers,
consultations, and answers to questions;
having founded the Council in 1989 and in 2004 urged it to be independent, I need to respect its independent status.1. For how to design a world religions series:
www.cres.org/pubs/ArrangeWorldRelig.htm2. For Muslim speakers:
3. For speakers from various faiths:
Interfaith Council Speakers Bureau Coordinator:
4. To access the Greater KC Interfaith Council
and site visits through Council members:
www.kcinterfaith.org email info@kcinterfaith.org5. To learn about interfaith groups in metro KC:
www.cres.org/pubs/KCInterfaithOps.htm.6. For an chart overview of world religions,
including those in Kansas City:
www.cres.org#chart7. For Vern's essay, "World Religions:
Pieces or Pattern?"—
www.cres.org/pubs/WorldReligsPiecesOrPattern.htm8. To request Vern to speak:
www.cres.org/team/73_Request_for_Program.htm9. For publicity listings:
www.cres/org/team/64_Networking_Advice.htm10. The Interfaith Passport:
Vern Barnet