We draw upon
the world’s secular
and religious traditions,
the perspectives of both doubter and believer.
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Ceremonies at Pilgrim Chapel For longer rentals, visit this link, please. |
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Chapel is an exceptionally beautiful
site for your wedding, and I am delighted the folks there have invited me to lead your ceremony. Whether you want a
traditional, civil, multi-faith,
or The folks at Pilgrim
Chapel and I want planning
When Pilgrim Chapel asks me to preside over your marriage ceremony, I write you to let you know I look forward to sharing your wedding day. I'll ask you some basic questions so I can get started helping you plan. I'll refer you to some resources on this web site. We can plan together what you want easily by email. #BriefRental You have rented an extraordinary facility for your wedding. I always enjoy working with the great Pilgrim Chapel staff. The place is clean, beautiful, safe, and adaptable. But because your rental is brief, you may need to plan your time carefully. The place is so popular, there may be an event right before or right after your rental. * The doors open 15 minutes before the beginning of your rental time to you and to your guests, so you may want to announce a ceremony time a few minutes after your rental begins, and remind your guests not to arrive before the doors open. If you have musicians and photographers, or you have placed an order from a florist, please let them also know not to arrive until your rental time begins.You can have a complete, unrushed, and beautiful ceremony by planning the time well. If you may need more time, I suggest you contact the folks at Pilgrim Chapel to see if a longer rental might be possible. The staff there and I are eager to make your wedding all that you want it to be. #HowToPlan
EMAIL PLANNING Please answer at least the first six questions 2b. Name in ceremony (Jord or Jordon) LEARN MORE 2c. Age today 2d. Address 2e. Phone(s) 2f. Best eMail address 3a. Second Person's legal name 3b. Name in ceremony (Jord or Jordon) LEARN MORE 3c. Age today 3d. Address 3e. Phone(s) 3f. Best eMail address 4. Will you have a marriage license or is this wedding a ceremonial occasion without legal considerations? a. legal with marriage license LEARN MORE b. ceremonial only LEARN MORE c. any details you wish to share #witnesses FOR PILGRIM CHAPEL, A LICENSE IS REQUIRED FROM ANY MISSOURI COUNTY. PLATTE AND CLAY COUNTIES PROVIDE GOOD CERTIFICATES, LAFAYETTE PROVIDES NONE. IF YOU USE BUCHANAN COUNTY, YOU MUST RETURN THE ENDORSED LICENSE YOURSELVES . 5. If you will have a marriage license, please include the names of your two adult witnesses to sign the license and certificate here: ________ If the wedding is just the two of you, let the folks at Pilgrim Chapel and me know so the Chapel can provide two witnesses to sign the legal documents. 6. As far as religion
goes, the ceremony should
be ------- ADDITIONAL OPTIONS BELOW ------- 7. About marriage vows --a. We wish traditional vows. b. We will write our own, perhaps adapting these suggestions. #aboutReadings 8a. About readings -- a. We want no readings. b. We want the following from the list here, numbered: _______________ c. We have chosen other reading(s), namely: __________________ 8b. Reader(s) -- x. We want the minister to do the reading. y. The person(s) to offer the reading(s): 9. How many people (total everyone) might attend? 10. If you are
presently out of town, in addition to the witnesses (#5 above) LEARN MORE 12. After you
are dressed, ready for the
ceremony, 13. Will you exchange
rings? 14. Please include a
of those not with us 15. Your plans for music:
live / recorded / none 16.
Your plans for photography:
#sequence one of the couple signs a receipt for the license Informal Greeting and Lighting of Candles if appropriate Prelude and special seatings if any Processional Welcome by the minister Consent and Presentations Prayer if desired Reading(s) if desired Vows and Rings Pronouncement and Embrace Benediction or Farewell Wish Recessional 18. If you have a wedding announcement or registry site (theknot.com, zola.com, appycouple.com, withjoy.com, etc), noting it here will help me get acquainted and prepare for your wedding. *** And of course you can send me any other information you would like me to have in order to understand your wishes for the ceremony. 19. The "paperwork"usually includes both a License and a Certificate. The Marriage Certificate is yours to keep. (A Certified Copy of the License can be sent to you if you requested it when applying for your License, or you can request it later.) One of the couple signs a receipt for the endorsed license and the couple returns it to the Court by mail or in person. 20. If you have not toured the Chapel, you might want to see some indoor and outdoor photos. Be sure to click the link to the 3D immersive image and navigate with your computer mouse or finger and look around. 21. Most planning can be completed by email
with responses to the questions above. I'll want to get all your
questions answered! Arrangements like entrances or a processional can
be made when you arrive. LOOKING FORWARD ___________________
#nicknameNAME USED IN CEREMONY Let me know if you prefer to be called by your familiar name ("nickname") during the wedding (Jord or Jordan). ___________________
Usually the wedding party is arranged in the chancel (front platform) as shown with the first four of nine rows of pews in the nave (main part of the chapel). M=Minister, B=Bride, G=Groom. Marriages between two men can replace B with G; and two women can replace G with B. ___________________ #participants WEDDING ATTENDANTS AND PARTICIPANTS In addition to the couple and minister, others may be involved in ceremony. Same-sex couples can adapt as they wish. Besides the two witnesses, wedding roles may be: Bride's escort Best man and Maid/Matron of Honor, or other such honored attendants Bride's Women and Groom's Men Flower Girl or Boy, Ring Bearer Readers, Anyone offering a Prayer Presenters (often parents) Flower Duty (often Maid of Honor) to hold the Bride's flowers during most of the ceremony Ushers Guest Book attendant ---- Musician, Photographer, Wedding Coordinator
#signing WITNESSES SIGN MARRIAGE DOCUMENTS Before the wedding, after I prepare the license and certificate, I invite the witnesses to sign. Most couples want to be with their guests or have photos taken -- not fuss with paperwork after the ceremony, and chasing down the witnesses can be awkward. Taking care of the legal requirements before the ceremony works well for everyone. Couples sign a receipt for the endorsed license and return the license to the courthouse by mail or in person. ___________________ #informal |
#license ABOUT THE MARRIAGE LICENSE Pilgrim Chapel marriages require a Missouri License, good for 30 days. The courthouse will provide you with both a License to be returned and a Certificate which is yours to keep. (Some couples also request a Certified Copy when they apply for the License to be mailed to them after the wedding.) When you arrive at the Chapel, please place the envelope with the documents on the chancel table or give them to Rocio. Then, while your guests are gathering, I'll take about five minutes to prepare the documents, and then I’ll invite your two adult witnesses to sign. One of you will sign a receipt for the endorsed license which you will return to the court by mail (an envelope for this is usually provided by the court) or you can return it in person if you prefer. Here is more information about the License: https://www.cres.org/wed_supplements.htm#LicenseCertificate Here is Jackson County's Marriage License website: https://www.jacksongov.org/Government/Departments/Recorder-of-Deeds/Apply-for-a-Marriage-License -----------
for final wedding preparation ¤ The Chapel opens 15 minutes before your rental time. ¤ Depending on the weather, when I arrive, I may not be dressed to receive you and I may not be vested until just before the ceremony. BRING WITH YOU -------- 1. license-certificate envelope or folder package 2. vows if you wrote yours and did not send them to me to be printed 3. rings and items (such as a Unity Candle Set) if you plan a special rite 4. playlist and device if you are using recorded music REMINDERS for most weddings --------- 5. Before the ceremony, your two adult witnesses will sign the license and certificate. LEARN MORE 6. During the ceremony, face each other and enjoy looking at each other, not me or my wedding book. 7. After I pronounce you married and you embrace, then face your guests and wait. I'll ask everyone to stand for the concluding Benediction or Best Wishes; then you recess. 8. After the ceremony, take your document (s) from the chancel table. FOR A DETAILED CHECK LIST: https://cres.org/wed_supplements.htm#WedTimeCheckList FOR REMINDERS ABOUT CEREMONY DETAILS: https://cres.org/wed_supplements.htm#CeremonyReminders |