revised 05.01.01 -- see black italicized statement below.Kansas City InterfaithCouncil
founded and hosted by CRES, 1989-2004
Vern Barnet, convener emeritus
promoting understanding among peoples of all faiths
The Council is now independent from CRES.
Council material remains on CRES web site as a courtesy
until the Council is able to develop its own web presence.for recent statements, scroll down or click here
Working Documents
REPORTS on"THE GIFTS OF PLURALISM" Interfaith Conference
Ongoing TASK FORCES on the crises of secularism
For a copy of the Speakers Bureau, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to
CRES, Box 4165, Overland Park, KS 66204, email us your request staff@cres.org,
phone us at 913.649.5114 for particular contacts,
or use links to each faith's webpages as they become available.
Click herefor the Guidelines for a World Religions Series for your group.
1. to develop deeper understanding among members of the Council of each other's faiths and traditions, and to foster appropriate bilateral and multilateral interreligious conversations
2. to model religious values (especially mutual respect and cooperation) in a society which often seems non-religious and intolerant
3. to provide resources, networking, and programs to increase appreciation for religious diversity, and
4. to work with media and with educational and religious leaders and groups in promoting accurate and fair portrayal of the faiths.
Fundraising and political or social action activities are not normally the focus of the Council, though the Council may refer suggestions about such matters to other, more appropriate organizations.
Council Members
American Indian Spirituality - Kara Hawkins email ............ Biographical Sketch
Baha'i - Barb McAtee email........ Biographical Sketch
Buddhist - Chuck Stanford email.......... Biographical Sketch
Christian - Protestant - Wallace S Hartsfield email.....Biographical Sketch
Christian - Roman Catholic - George M Noonan email...........Biographical Sketch
Hindu - Kris Krishna email........Biographical Sketch
Jewish - Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn email....... Biographical Sketch
Muslim - A Rauf Mir email........Biographical Sketch
6400 Prospect, Suite 480, KCMO 64132, 444.7300
Sikh Dharma - Karta Purkh S Khalsa email.......Biographical SketchB
3525 Walnut, KCMO 64111, 561.5337
Sufi - Larry Sousley email..... Biographical Sketch
1840 Newton, KCMO 64126; 816.483.8077
Unitarian Universalist - Kathy Riegelmanemail.....Biographical Sketch
All Souls UU Church web page link
Wiccan - Caroline Baughman email..... BBiographical Sketch
Zoroastrian - Daryoush Jahanian email.....Biographical Sketch
Official observer
Vedanta - Uma email. .Biographical Sketch
Observers From World Headquarters
Community of Christ - The Rev W Grant McMurray emailBiographical Sketch
Unity - The Rev Sharron Connors email Biographical Sketch
Church of the Nazarene - The Rev William C Miller email
Vern Barnet founded the Council.
David E Nelson - Past Convenor Caroline Baughman- Convenor
Kathy Riegielman- Co-ConvenorEmail to all members
Click on the CRES tree to return to the CRES home page.
October 9, 2002
In response to remarks made by Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell,
the Kansas City Interfaith Council has adopted the following statement:America is rooted in religious pluralism. Religious prejudice is more than silly; it is dangerous to our community and our nation. When American religious leaders perpetuate misunderstanding and promote bigotry, we are all shamed. Therefore, we must express our deep regret over recent inaccurate and divisive remarks by religious leaders Franklin Graham calling Islam a "wicked religion" and Jerry Falwell characterizing Muhammad as a "terrorist."
When one faith is attacked, all faiths are jeopardized. We work for a community and a nation celebrating its religious diversity. For over a decade, from 13 different faiths, the members of the Kansas City Interfaith Council have worked together in mutual regard and respect. We urge all to replace prejudice with understanding. Our differences are blessings, and the spirit of kinship unites us all together./signed/
Kara Hawkins (American Indian), Simeon Kohlman Rabbani (Baha'i), Lama Chuck Stanford (Buddhist), the Rev Wallace Hartsfield (Christian-Protestant), Father Pat Rush (Christian-Roman Catholic), Rabbi Joshua Taub (Jewish), Anand Bhattacharyya (Hindu), A Rauf Mir, MD (Muslim), Karta Purkh Sign Khalsa (Sikh), Ali Kadr (Sufi), the Rev Kathy Riegelman (Unitarian Universalist), Mike Nichols (Wiccan), Daryoush Jahanian, MD (Zoroastrian), the Rev David E Nelson (chairman), the Rev Vern Barnet (convener).
Members of the Kansas City Interfaith Council join with religious leaders throughout the world in condemning the terrorism which struck the United States Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Our prayers are with the victims and their families and all of us affected by the enormity of these events.
Our faiths teach us to work for understanding, peace and justice. We call upon all citizens of the region, whatever their faiths, to deepen their commitments and to enlarge their compassion. We must open our hearts to all peoples as we grieve together.
We are concerned that stereotyping may impede our sense of human kinship, and fear may stifle our trust in those of other faiths. We need to grow with mutual reassurance. This is why leaders of the various faiths here join in this common statement.
At the very moments we were learning about the attacks, we were announcing plans for Kansas City's first Interfaith Conference, Oct 27-28. The need for such a conference is made even clearer by the tragic events we have just witnessed.
We have much work to do, and that work must be guided by compassion and understanding.Simeon Kohlman Rabbani—Bahá’í
Chuck Stanford—Buddhist
The Rev Rayfield Burns (for Wallace Hartsfield)—Christian, Protestant
George M Noonan—Christian, Roman Catholic
Anand Bhattacharyya—Hindu
Rabbi Joshua Taub—Jewish
A Rauf Mir, MD—Muslim
Karta Purkh S Khalsa—Sikh
Ali Kadr—Sufi
Kathy Reigelman—Unitarian Universalist
Mike Nichols—Wiccan
Daryoush Jahanian, MD—Zoroastrian
Uma—Vedanta Observer
David E Nelson—ChairVern Barnet—Convener