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Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi.

"The heart of Anglicanism is worship;
the purpose of Anglicanism is to foster Christlike holiness, individually and socially;
and the essence of Anglicanism is that the two cannot be separated.
--paraphrase from A Passionate Balance: The Anglican Tradition,
Alan Bartlett, p. 170. Orbis Books.

Being Episcopalian

Part 1: An Inventory of Activity at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral
Part 2: How and Why I Became an Episcopalian

Part 1: An Inventory of Activity 
at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Diocese


1992 Co-officiated a wedding with Dean Earl Cavanaugh
----  various guest adult ed talks, one series, I think
2002 Sept 11 -- Organized and led day-long interfaith observance of first anniv of 9/11 for Metro    with Mayor, Governor, KC Symphony, Lyric Opera, KC Ballet, etc; see CBS-TV national broadcast
2010 Easter, first regular service attended
2011 Easter Vigil, baptized

Except for children's formation, I was recruited for all these activities

Organized day-long reading of texts from Martin Luther King Jr, 2012
Morning Prayer with David Nelson Thursdays 7:30-8 am Lent-Pentecost, 2015
Organized, financed, and promoted Candlemas 2017 and 2018
Children's Formation (Godly Play Certificate)
Adult Education (TFN 2016 Aug 14-Sep 4), Tommy, etc)
Saint John's Bible docent, 2019-
Worship Committee chair, 2018 (volunteered to be on committee, not to chair)
Church tours
The Reader (selecting passages) for Hymn Sing at GHTC 
     with Gerre Hancock (Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue in New York City)
Discernment Committee for GHTC Parishioner
Never missed a single Sunday at an Episcopal service, 2010 -, 
    usually at 10:15 at GHTC in pew 8 from the front on the font side

I was recruited for all these activities
Lenten series, Church of the Good Shepherd
Lenten series for Church of the Redeemer (TFN)
Discernment Committee for GHTC parishioner
Discernment Committee for St Andrews parishioner
Commission on Ministry, 2019-
TFN series at St Andrews
Diocesan magazine, Spirit, over a dozen essays