The Reverend Vern Barnet, DMn
bio page CRES minister emeritus vern@cres.org
Thank You for your interest in my Kansas City Star column.
My "Faith and Beliefs" column, begun in 1994, appears Wednesdays, the day the food ads appear -- think spiritual food and look for my column!
PRINT.-- It is usually the page just before the comics, sometimes near the crossword puzzle or the relationship advice columns. The FYI/Lifestyle material is usually part of Section C or D, often on page 7 or 9, depending on how many sections and pages are in the paper any particular Wednesday. Usually it runs 4-columns wide, but sometimes 2 columns long, depending on ad placement. Most often it is at the top of the page, but sometimes not. It almost always appears with my photo. See image below left, under my photo.
ON LINE AT THE STAR. -- Sometimes it appears on the website at early as 2 pm Tuesday, but sometimes not until after 10 pm. You can look for it by using The Star's search box -- just enter "Barnet" and see all the amazing stuff.
ON LINE AT CRES.-- Usually a draft of the current or future column is at the top right-hand column at http://cres.org/star. (It may take a few seconds for the right column to appear.) Underneath the column you may find comments sent to me, usually, via email, and comments posted on The Star's website underneath the column there. The CRES website archives all 900+ columns.
- To find a particular column by key word: 58
- For my relationship to The Star: 57
- For proposing an idea for a future column: 59
- For information about me: cres.org/vern
- For my personal situation: 01
Vern Barnet