The Reverend Vern Barnet, DMn
bio page CRES minister emeritus vern@cres.org
the completion of a CD of the 2009 April 18 Barclay Martin Ensemble concert for CRES" U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N " My Retirement
May, 2009I am now 77.
revised, December, 2009
revised, February, 2011
revised, May, 2014
updated, Oct, 2019I feel I have made a contribution to the community with a focus on interfaith understanding. With the
growth of the Interfaith Council and other interfaith efforts, I can now devote my remaining years to long-postponed projects while continuing to respond to limited invitations toThis means that I am withdrawing from most community boards and membership organizations, and that I am minimizing responding to networking requests, including the CRES Community Calendar and other such services. Except for the home page and a few other pages, the CRES website is becoming mainly an archive and respository, and I'll be reviewing eight filing cabinets of materials for any enduring value. We have ceased monthly publication of MANY PATHS. CRES anticipates initiating no futher activities. (Our last was the 2009 annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Sunday Family Ritual Meal, ending the 25-year series). It means that organizational details will be wrapped up.
- speak and preach
- plan and officiate at weddings and holy unions
- consult in special areas
- provide other services named at CRES services.
This in turn means that other projects, such as writing projects, can now be addressed. In the next few years, I would like to move forward with, for example,In addition, personal affairs, which have taken second place during my career, must now be attended to.
- A Mulit-Faith Guide for Health-Care Providers (completed in 2013)
- a book of selected KC Star and Many Paths columns
- a book of selected sonnets in a multi-faith context
- a restatement of the CRES theory of world religions
- three virtual tours of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (the sacred in nature, personhood, society)
- a play, "The Hierodule"
- a revision of Klindebook, a modern myth/ scifi/ theology including new material on
* liturgical theory and practice
* "Veils and Revelations"
* "A God Atheists Can Believe In"
* Political/economic/social theology
* art and spirituality