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was developed in 1966 to call African-Americans to an awareness of a common
heritage despite their many countries of origin and individual family histories,
by Dr Maulana “Ron” Karenga (who became chair of the black studies department
at California State University at Long Beach).
Originally described as a “cultural” rather than a “religious” holiday,
and still unlisted in most books on religion, it has since taken on spiritual
significance for many of those who celebrate the seven-day holiday.
While its meaning is unrelated to either Christmas or Hanukkah, its
dates (December 26-January 1) associate it with the Christmas holiday;
and its lighting of seven candles in a kinara (candelabrum) recalls the
eight candles (plus the server) in the Hanukkah menorah, corresponding
to the days of the Jewish festival.
Kwanza means “first” in Swahili. An additional “a” was added to the
festival’s name make the word seven letters long.
During Kwanzaa, friends and family celebrate their African-American
heritage by exchanging symbolic, rather than extravagant, gifts.
The cultural significance of Kwanzaa lies in seven fundamental principles:
Unity, Self-determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative
Economics, Purpose, Creativity, and Faith. The seven principles are represented
by seven candles (three red, one black, and three green) placed in a special
The holiday is increasingly observed by those who want to affirm solidarity
with African-Americans and who cherish the values promoted by Kwanzaa.
© Copyright 2000 by Vern Barnet,
Overland Park, KS
Kwanzaa has grown beyond culture
A caller wants
to know why I wrote about Kwanzaa. “The holiday is cultural, not religious.”
Indeed, this is the way Maulana Karenga, its creator, conceived of it in
1966. Even today it appears in few books on religion.
when I researched Kwanzaa in 1995 in Los Angeles where it originated, I
learned that it had become an important religious observance. The Rev.
Cecil Murray of the Los Angeles First AME Church justified this “because
(Kwanzaa) deals with the totality of human experience, and religion is
what ties human experience together.” He called the seven principles of
Kwanzaa, one of which is faith, “a supplement to the Ten Commandments.”
This year, according to Janet Moss, executive director of Congregational
Partners, members of the Leawood Cure of Ars Roman Catholic Church explained
how they observed the Christmas-Epiphany holiday cycle with members of
the Kansas City Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, who in turn explained
The caller may be correct in thinking the holiday does not belong to
any particular religion, but it helps to “tie human experience together”
with religious power.
Another example. Martin Luther King Jr was Christian, but his study,
his work and his outreach was not confined to one faith. Is the King holiday
cultural or also religious? Kwanzaa may be disputed, but the answer on
King is increasingly clear.
© Copyright 1999 by Vern Barnet,
Overland Park, KS
Kwanzaa’s origins are inclusive
A caller complained
that I ruined Christmas for him because a recent column mentioned that
Christmas was recast from an earlier pagan holiday. Others find Christmas
more meaningful by placing it in the history of all humankind.
call us to the transcendent. But they are embodied in particular circumstances
and historical settings.
The combination of transcendent reality and the historical and personal
situation is sometimes revealed in the origins of holidays. Kwanzaa, for
example, was first celebrated in 1966 in Los Angeles after the Watts race
Kwanzaa celebrates seven transcendent principles, including unity, creativity
and faith.
Kwanzaa has ancient Egyptian sources, as well as more recent African
themes. It might never have developed except for the experience of slaves
in America and the need for their descendants to affirm a healing identity.
Usually observed between Christmas and New Year's Day, Kwanzaa utilizes
a set of candles, as does the Jewish Hanukkah festival.
Do I ruin Kwanzaa by disclosing these origins?
Or this? -- The correct Swahili spelling is “Kwanza,” with six letters.
At the first program for this new holiday, there were seven children. Each
wanted to represent and explain a letter. An additional “a” was added to
accommodate all of them.
The charm of bending to the seventh child’s desire for inclusion perhaps
matches the deep philosophy of Kwanzaa. The respect given to that child
embodies its transcendent principles.
© Copyright 1998 by Vern Barnet,
Overland Park, KS
Kwanzaa celebrates the human experience
Kwanzaa originated
in Los Angeles in 1966, after the Watts race riot. Its creator, Maulana
Karenga, believed that the way to improve and enrich “African American
life was the rescue and reconstruction of their culture.”
Kwanzaa was first called a “cultural” rather than a “religious” holiday.
It is still is unmentioned in most religious reference books.
I asked the Rev Cecil Murray of the Los Angeles First AME Church whether
Kwanzaa has become important in the life of his congregation. “Yes, because
it deals with the totality of human experience, and religion is what ties
human experience together.”
He then listed the seven principles of Kwanzaa: unity, self-determination,
collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity,
and faith.
“This is what all the religions of the world talk about,” he said. “How
can you extol a faith without also extolling an economic system that helps
you feed the hungry, house the poor, educate the young, and provide jobs?”
“The seven principles are a supplement to the Ten Commandments.”
“We observe Kwanzaa at years’s end to review how well we've done putting
our faith into practice, and to plan to do better in the coming year.”
(Kwanzaa begins Dec 26 and continues through January 1.)
The Hanukahh candles kindled earlier this month recall the ancient Jews
who, at the severest personal costs, secured liberty to practice their
faith. Christmas candles glow in the season of darkness with divine hope.
And the Kwanzaa candles, one lit for each principle, help in rediscovering
a rich spiritual heritage.
Whatever our religion, or none, we can all use more light.
© Copyright 1995 by Vern Barnet,
Overland Park, KS