The 85-word "Advisement" on the title page My 365-word perspective on Shakespeare's Sonnets. A bio-sketch of Vern Barnet The index for the 2015 publication which includes * a description of the book * the 750-word Preface (but not the 11,000-word Introduction) * the blurbs on the back cover * all the prepublication comments in the book's appendix * videos of many people reading various sonnets * and other material, much dated Interviews, one for the Interfaith Council, and a much, much longer, largely theolgical, one. CHURCH SERIES.-- Despite the sexual and other themes of the book, I was invited to present a 4-week Lenten series for two Episcopal churches, Good Shephed and Redeemer, for a 4-week Lenten series; in addition, I was asked to present select material for a 4-week series at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, and another series at St Andrews. LentenSeries2023program.PDF LentenSeries2023sonnets.PDF ALSO TFN_160503_brochure.PDF front and back (top and bottom with special folds) If you wish additional background,
please let me know. |